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Disproving the Single Quotes Performance Myth

If there is one PHP related thing that I really hate, then it is definitely the Single Quotes Performance Myth. Let’s do a random Google search for “PHP single quotes performance”: You will get many results telling you that single quotes are faster than double quotes and that string interpolation is much slower than string concatenation. Most of them advise to use single quotes and concatenation to improve the performance of your application.

Let’s be clear here: This is pointless.

I hold the opinion that microoptimization like that is just pointless. I doubt that string parsing performance is the bottleneck of even a single PHP application out there. This comment nails it pretty well: “And, on top of that, by using less pixels, you reduce greenhouse emissions.” I think that everybody will agree that using single quotes won’t save any significant greenhouse emissions. Still everybody seems to believe that it saves significant execution time. Strange.

But okay, some say “Well, it doesn’t cost me anything to write single quotes, so why not just do it?”

Sounds plausible. So I decided to look into how big the difference really is. And it turned out: There is none.

Strings at runtime

What many people don’t realize is that strings are parsed during lexing, not during execution. When a PHP script runs all strings are already parsed.

A simple proof:

$x = 'Test';
$y = "\x54\x65\x73\x74";

If you have a look at the opcodes that PHP generates for this they will look like this:

compiled vars:  !0 = $x, !1 = $y
line     # *  op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   3     0  >   ASSIGN                                                 !0, 'Test'
   4     1      ASSIGN                                                 !1, 'Test'
         2    > RETURN                                                 1

You don’t need to understand the complete output, but you should still see the main point: Both 'Test' and "\x54\x65\x73\x74" compiled down to the very same opcode.

What does this mean? That the used quote type and the use of escape sequences does not affect runtime, not at all.

Strings at compile time

Now some may argue: PHP is an interpreted language, so compile time actually also happens at runtime. My response to that would normally be: Use APC. APC will cache the generated opcodes so they don’t need to be created on every single request. This can greatly improve page loading time and CPU load, so if you aren’t using APC yet you might try as well now ;)

But, hypothetically, let use assume that we are not using APC. So let’s see whether single quoted strings are actually lexed faster than double quoted ones.

For this we will use a handy function called token_get_all: It lexes a PHP string into a token array. The function will return the token texts plainly and not preparsed, but the internal string parsing routines still will get called, so we can use this as a good approximation to the real numbers.

For testing I use the following script:

const NUM = 10000000;

$singleQuotedStringCode = "<?php '" . str_repeat('x', NUM) . "';";
$doubleQuotedStringCode = '<?php "' . str_repeat('x', NUM) . '";';

$startTime = microtime(true);
$endTime = microtime(true);

echo 'Single quotes: ', $endTime - $startTime, ' seconds', "\n";

$startTime = microtime(true);
$endTime = microtime(true);

echo 'Double quotes: ', $endTime - $startTime, ' seconds', "\n";

It creates two strings with ten million x characters and lexes them. Here’s what I get:

Single quotes: 0.061846971511841 seconds
Double quotes: 0.061599016189575 seconds

Namely: No difference. The Single Quotes Performance Myth thus is just a big lie: Single quotes are neither faster at runtime nor at compile time.

String interpolation

So the next question is, what is faster: String concatenation or string interpolation?

Let’s consider this simple case:

$world = 'World';
'Hallo ' . $world;
"Hallo $world";

If you try running the corresponding benchmark you will get numbers similar to this:

Concatenation: 0.015104055404663 seconds
Interpolation: 0.016894817352295 seconds

So interpolation seems slightly slower than concatenation, doesn’t it? Well, not exactly, but more on that later. Let’s look at the opcodes first:

compiled vars:  !0 = $world
line     # *  op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   2     0  >   ASSIGN                                                   !0, 'World'
   3     1      CONCAT                                           ~1      'Hallo+', !0
         2      FREE                                                     ~1
   4     3      ADD_STRING                                       ~2      'Hallo+'
         4      ADD_VAR                                          ~2      ~2, !0
         5      FREE                                                     ~2
         6    > RETURN                                                   1

Here you see the reason why concatenation is slightly faster than interpolation in the above example:

Concatenation uses a single CONCAT opcode with 'Hallo+', !0 (!0 is $world here). All CONCAT basically does is create a new string buffer with the new length, copy 'Hallo+' into it and then copy $world into it.

Interpolation on the other hand needs two opcodes: First ADD_STRING is called, which in this case basically copies 'Hallo+' into a new string buffer. Then ADD_VAR is called with ~2, !0 (~2 is the buffer that 'Hallo+' was copied to and !0 is still $world), which basically does the same as CONCAT.

If you read closely the difference is clear: Interpolation copies the 'Hallo+' part twice, concatenation only copies it one time. (Disclaimer: I’m actually not perfectly sure that this is really the reason, but it would be my guess. It could also be just the overhead of another opcode.)

So, interpolation is slower after all, isn’t it? Well, not really, let’s consider this more realistic example:

$name  = 'Anonymous';
$age   = 123;
$hobby = 'nothing';

'Hi! My name is ' . $name . ' and I am ' . $age . ' years old! I love doing ' . $hobby . '!';
"Hi! My name is $name and I am $age years old! I love doing $hobby!";

If you run the benchmark you will get numbers looking approximately like this:

Concatenation: 0.053942918777466 seconds
Interpolation: 0.049801111221313 seconds

And… interpolation is faster now! Why so? Let’s have a look at the new opcodes:

compiled vars:  !0 = $name, !1 = $age, !2 = $hobby
line     # *  op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   2     0  >   ASSIGN                                                   !0, 'Anonymous'
   3     1      ASSIGN                                                   !1, 123
   4     2      ASSIGN                                                   !2, 'nothing'
   6     3      CONCAT                                           ~3      'Hi%21+My+name+is+', !0
         4      CONCAT                                           ~4      ~3, '+and+I+am+'
         5      CONCAT                                           ~5      ~4, !1
         6      CONCAT                                           ~6      ~5, '+years+old%21+I+love+doing+'
         7      CONCAT                                           ~7      ~6, !2
         8      CONCAT                                           ~8      ~7, '%21'
         9      FREE                                                     ~8
   7    10      ADD_STRING                                       ~9      'Hi%21+My+name+is+'
        11      ADD_VAR                                          ~9      ~9, !0
        12      ADD_STRING                                       ~9      ~9, '+and+I+am+'
        13      ADD_VAR                                          ~9      ~9, !1
        14      ADD_STRING                                       ~9      ~9, '+years+old%21+I+love+doing+'
        15      ADD_VAR                                          ~9      ~9, !2
        16      ADD_CHAR                                         ~9      ~9, 33
        17      FREE                                                     ~9
        18    > RETURN                                                   1

As you can see the interpolation opcodes are more optimal here: For once interpolation distinguishes between adding a single character, a string and a variable. Also it reuses the same temporary variable for the whole interpolation (~9), whereas concatenation uses six of them (~3, ~4, ~5, ~6, ~7, ~8).

So interpolation becomes more efficient the more is interpolated. For the simple string + var case it is slower, but for more realistic cases with multiple variables it becomes faster.

Lesson learned

At this point I want to emphasize again that the above has no practical impact. All above demos use high iteration counts and any differences in execution time are completely negligible.

Does this still teach us something? Yes, it does: “Never trust a statistic you didn’t forge yourself.” Amen.